Friday, March 10 / 6:30 pm / Ottawa art Gallery

Program: Pro Pool, Queens of the Qing Dynasty
Guest: Ziyin Zheng, actor (An) in Queens of the Qing Dynasty

Feature presentation \

Queens of the Qing Dynasty

2022 / 122 minutes / Canada
Director: Ashley McKenzie
Writer: Ashley McKenzie
Language: English

friendship \ recovery \ hope

Nova Scotia filmmaker Ashley McKenzie’s follow-up to her arresting 2016 debut, Werewolf, is an equally startling, decidedly unusual drama. Living in a remote small town, Star (an astonishing performance by Sarah Walker) is a neurodiverse teen who, after an unsuccessful suicide attempt, has been judged unfit to live alone. Reporting to various professionals and social workers, Star’s unsettled life finally takes a new and positive turn when An (Ziyin Zheng), an international exchange student from Shanghai, is asked to watch over her in the hospital. His gentle wit, tales of Chinese lore, and his own experiences as an outsider as a gay man offer Star windows into joyful new worlds of the imagination and, more importantly, of her own reality. An eccentric, entirely beautiful friendship blossoms amongst the shadows that follow them both. Strikingly designed and beautifully directed, Queens of the Qing Dynasty is one of the most uplifting films you’ll see this or any year. “If David Lynch and Nora Ephron had a child, it would exist in McKenzie’s charming and singular universe. … McKenzie is becoming a new great Canadian auteur.” -Ravi Srinivasan, TIFF.

- Tom McSorley

La suite du premier long métrage stupéfiant de 2016 de la cinéaste néo-écossaise Ashley McKenzie, Werewolf, est un drame tout aussi surprenant et décidément inhabituel. Vivant dans une petite ville éloignée, Star (une interprétation remarquable de Sarah Walker) est une adolescente neurodivergente qui, après une tentative de suicide manquée, a été jugée comme étant inapte à vivre seule. Se faisant traiter par divers professionnels et travailleurs sociaux, Star voit sa vie instable se tourner vers une nouvelle direction plus positive lorsqu’An (Ziyin Zheng), un étudiant en échange international provenant de Shanghai, reçoit la tâche de la surveiller à l’hôpital. Sa douce intelligence, ses contes chinois traditionnels et sa propre expérience de marginalisé en tant qu’homme gai, offrent à Star des fenêtres vers de nouveaux mondes joyeux de l’imagination, et, mieux encore, de sa propre réalité. Une amitié excentrique et de toute beauté fleurit parmi les ombres qui les suivent tous les deux. D’une conception frappante et magnifiquement réalisé, Queens of the Qing Dynasty est l’un des films les plus remontants que vous verrez cette année. 

- Tom McSorley (traduit par Jacinthe Grenier-Albert)

Short film \

Pro Pool

Piscine pro

2022 / 8 minutes / Quebec
Director: Alec Pronovost

Newly graduated with a bachelor’s degree in history and civilization, Charles-Olivier struggles to find a job in his field and must rely on a clerk position in a pool shop. Feeling down, he navigates his gig as best he can.